Fort Negley Descendants Project

Descendant Stories

Bill Radcliffe
Bill Radcliffe is the descendant of Sergeant Edward Ratcliff, winner of a medal of honor for bravery in the Civil War.
Eleanor Fleming
Eleanor Fleming’s ancestors Ruffin and Egbert Bright both helped to construct the Civil War fortification of Fort Negley.
Gary Burke
Gary Burke’s great-great grandfather, Private Peter Bailey of Company K was stationed at Fort Negley with the 17th regiment USCT.
Johnson Family
The Johnson family are descendants of James Harding Sr., who self-emancipated to work on multiple fortifications in Nashville.
Vernice Scruggs and Philip Minter
Vernice Scruggs and Philip Minter grew up on Bass Street before the Civil War era neighborhood was demolished during urban renewal.

Additional Stories

James Tall
Private James Tall was born in Murfreesboro, TN, and served in the 25th Regiment, Company G of the USCT.
Taneya Koonce and Destiny Hanks
Taneya Koonce, secretary of AAHGS, demonstrates how to discover your ancestral connection to Fort Negley.
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